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 We serve children and adults with a primary diagnosis of 
intellectual / developmental disability who meet eligibility  
criteria for our various services. Each applicant must be a 
West Virginia resident or, if living in an out-of-state facility, 
must be funded by West Virginia DHHR. 


Potomac Center provides a variety of residential support and assistance to individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities including ICF / IDD residential and group homes; specialized family/foster care homes and waiver homes. Each comfortably furnished home provides a safe and structured environment designed to meet the needs of its residents. Special support is given to individuals in our programs with the addition of a full-time therapist and behavior specialist. Activities are centered around individual need to ensure that each person lives the fullest and most enjoyable life possible. Our participation begins even before a person moves to one of our programs and continues as they transition into the next stage of their life.


Services provided by these programs are funded in part by the WV Department of Health and Human Resources. No individual will be denied services solely because of age, race, sex, disability, or inability to pay.


Your donation is greatly needed and will be much appreciated as we use it to support this wonderful group of "special" children. You may mail your tax deductible donation to:


Potomac Center, Inc.
Attn. Kim Helmstetter, C.E.O.
One Blue Street
Romney, WV 26757

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Developing New Horizons For A Deserving Population

Potomac Center, Inc.


One Blue Street  |  Romney, WV 26757  |  304-822-3861


© 2022 by The Potomac Center, Inc.   |   Private Policy

Web design by Teel Design Group.

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